Friday, November 30, 2007

Art reflects the Artist's view of society

Art/ performance is definatly about holding a mirror up to something, not necissarily always society, and it's not always about pointing out what is wrong. Many times art is about pointing out what is good, beautiful, honest, genuine, and awesome, or just to portray something that we are passionate about. It is up to the artist or performer to decide what the piece of art, or performance is about. Every work of art though points out some sort of truth, or reveals a fallocy. From any True artist of any genre, whether it be painting, drawing, writing stories, poems, performing music, or drama, True art will be genuine.

so, in the case of Hamlet, yes, the art of performance is being used to reflect what is wrong with society, because in this case, Hamlet is using it to reveal the truth, to "out" Claudius in front of everyone, so that everyone can be witness to King Claudius' atrocious actions.

Claudius: unsure of who's a threat, but paranoid of everyone... especially Hamlet.

Claudius sees Hamlet as a threat, but he doesn't for sure think that Hamlet knows about the whole "ear poison thing." He just believes that it could be a possibility that Hamlet knows very little, to everything about the situation. King Claudius killed his own brother, he must be super paranoid, so of course he is going to believe that possibly everyone knows about him murdering his brother. so, yes, Claudius conciders Hamlet as a threat, but how nuch of a threat he's not sure.

Hamlet's "love" for Ophelia decieved them both.

Leading up to scene 3 Hamlet believed that he loved Ophelia. His human impulses of lust and infatuation caused him to believe that he really did love Ophelia. The evidence proving the fact that Hamlet was blinded by his false feelings is Act 3 Scene 1 lines 112 through 116 Hamlet states "Ay, truly, for the power of beauty will sooner transform honesty from what it is to a bawd than the force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness." Hamlet is saying that sometimes beauty causes a man to trick himself into believeing he is in love. Hamlet goes on to say "but now the time gives it proof. I did love you once." After a while hamlet finally realized that Ophelia's beauty had destracted him from the truth. When Hamlet says that "[he] did love [her] once." he's telling her that at one time he did basically love her, but it wasn't real, it was a deception. Right before Hamlet has his dialogue with Ophelia in Act 3 he realized that he had never truely loved Ophelia. In Act 3 scene 1 lines 118 through 120, Hamlet says what leads me to believe that He did not truly love Ophelia at all. He says to Ophelia "You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you not. This is the first scrap of evidence that leads me to believe that Hamlet didn't love Ophelia. Ophelia's beauty caused "Ham-bone" to trick himself into believing that he was truly in love her, when in reality he really just wanted her body.